Drilling Consortium at the End of the World
an interdisciplinary round table focussing on artistic, scientific and technological parameter of deep earth and ice investigation
on a ship cruising around "The End of the World", Beagle Chanel, Ushuaja, Argentina, 24. April. 2009, 11 am
The Round Table was initiated by the Researchraft FFUR in cooperation with the Bienal al Fin del Mundo.
link: round table End of the World
pictures above: from left to right, deep lake drilling in Patagonia, "Potrok Aike Maar Lake Sediment Archive Drilling Project" (PASADO) http://www.pasado.uni-bremen.de //
DOSECC, Drilling, Observation and Sampling of the Earths Continental Crust corporation //
Agnes Meyer-Brandis, IceBit Fieldtest, El Calafate, Argentina, 2009 // cryoconite hole from the web, source unknown //
Drilling Consortium beyond the Polar Circle in Tromsø, North Norway
an interdisciplinary round table focussing on artistic, scientific and technological parameter of deep earth and ice investigation
Date: 13. Nov. 2008, 19pm - 21pm Location: Tromsø Gallery of Contemporary Art, Tromsø, Norway
The Round Table is initiated by the Researchraft FFUR
in cooperation with the Tromsø Kunstforening, the Norwegian Polar Institute NPI and the oil company Discover.
See: www.ffur.de/roundtable
pictures above: from left to right, ice photography from Ola Brandt, NPI // Agnes Meyer-Brandis, SGM-Iceberg-Probe // ice core drilling from the web, source unknown //
Agnes Meyer-Brandis, IceBit Sketch
New Afars (Die Neuen Fernen)
with Thomas Grau, meteorit expert of the European Research Center for Fireballs and Meteorites (ERFM) and Agnes Meyer-Brandis, artist, director FFUR, Oct. 17th 2009 , HMKV Hartware MedienKunstVerein, Dortmund, De, further information under >>> www.ffur.de/DieNeuenFernen
Fig. from left to right: Agnes Meyer-Brandis working in microgravity, CCS Experiment 2007 // Investigation of the meteorite impact crater, Agnes Meyer-Brandis, Jekaterinburg, Russia, 2009 // Fireball with trail (Belgien 2004), ERFM Picture // Thomas Grau while finding the small but important meteorite on the island Lolland, March 2009
Eclipse Happening, Symposium "Space Travelling" and "Moon Walk Workshop for Humans + Geese", Finland
with professor of Observatory of Helsinki, Tapio Markkanen and Agnes Meyer-Brandis, June 4th 2009
Kiasma Theatre - Finnish National Gallery, Finnland, further information >>> here
Fig. from left to right: Agnes Meyer-Brandis working in microgravity, CCS Experiment 2007 // Investigation of the meteorite impact crater, Agnes Meyer-Brandis, Jekaterinburg, Russia, 2009 // Fireball with trail (Belgien 2004), ERFM Picture // Thomas Grau while finding the small but important meteorite on the
island Lolland, March 2009
"Space travelling for beginners", Siberia
a Moon Walk Workshop in public space, between the Federal Agency of Cosmos and the Mineral Museum, Jekaterinburg, Russia
in the scope of the IMPACT project, May 24th, 2009, 4pm >>> further information here
Fig. from left to right: Agnes Meyer-Brandis working in microgravity, CCS Experiment 2007 // Investigation of the meteorite impact crater, Agnes Meyer-Brandis, Jekaterinburg, Russia, 2009 // Fireball with trail (Belgien 2004), ERFM Picture // Thomas Grau while finding the small but important meteorite on the island Lolland, March 2009
"Stone Stories". Siberia
a workshop in urban space in Jekaterinburg, Ru, in cooperation with: Ural Geological Museum (USMU) and the National Center For Contemporary Art (NCCA) Ekaterinburg Branch, Ru, 30.Jan.- 31. Jan. 2009, >>> further information here
Fig. from left to right: Agnes Meyer-Brandis working in microgravity, CCS Experiment 2007 // Investigation of the meteorite impact crater, Agnes Meyer-Brandis, Jekaterinburg, Russia, 2009 // Fireball with trail (Belgien 2004), ERFM Picture // Thomas Grau while finding the small but important meteorite on the island Lolland, March 2009