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The New Afar (Die Neuen Fernen)

an evening initiated by the Research Raft FFUR and the HMKV Dortmund, De

October 17th 2009, 6 pm, HMKV Dortmund (HMKV / Hartware MedienKunstVerein), De

................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................moon goose experiment set upFig. from left to right: Agnes Meyer-Brandis working in microgravity, CCS Experiment 2007 // Investigation of the meteorite impact crater, Agnes Meyer-Brandis, Jekaterinburg, Russia, 2009 // Fireball with trail (Belgien 2004), ERFM Picture // Thomas Grau while finding the small but important meteorite on the island Lolland, March 2009


When Fireballs are falling down from sky (Wenn Feuerkugeln vom Himmel fallen)
Thomas W. Grau, European Research Center for Fireballs and Meteorites (ERFM), German Fireballnetwork,

It always begins with an eye witness: " You won`t believe, what I saw today. An enormous fireball, so brightly burning over the sky … ".
Thomas Grau, a specialist for fireball events and meteorite search in Europe, gets activated by these sporadically emerging descriptions, in order to collect and document scientifically usable data over those events.


Space Travelling
Agnes Meyer-Brandis, artist and head of the Research Raft for Subterranean Reefology u.V. (FFUR),

For many years Agnes Meyer Brandis, founder of the FFUR explores phenomena in extreme depths and altitudes. She will report of the experiments and research project of her institute and present the "Moon Goose Experiment - a bio-poetic investigation", which took place during the Total Solar Eclipse on Agust 1st 2008 in Novosibirsk, Siberia, in order to examine the migration behavior of moon geese.

After the presentations, there will be time for questions and open discussion to themes arising from the symposium.

Telescope Session
The Evening will end with a view into "The New Afar".
With a telescope of the observatory Bochum the possibility is given to observe craters on the moon and other points in space. Everyone is cordialy invited, if available, to bring along its own telescope or similar equipment.

Friendly supported by the observatory Sternwarte Bochum

Date : October 17th , 2009, 6pm
Ort: HMKV in PHOENIX Halle Dortmund
Phoenixplatz 4 (Hochofenstr. / Ecke Rombergstr.)
44263 Dortmund-Hörde
U41 Hörde Bahnhof
Route description please see under:

Further information about exhibition programm and events of the HMKV / Hartware MedienKunstVerein can be found here:

Agnes Meyer-Brandis
ffUR || "research raft for subterranean reefology"