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Public Meteor Watching Event - Nov. 20th 2010 at 6:30 pm Th

Public Meteorit Watching Event

Date: Nov. 16th 2010, starting at 6:30pm
expected impact time: 20:33pm

Location: meadows behind Kauwstraat 10, 9500 Herzele, Sint Lievens Esse, Belgium
Herzele is about 40 km from Brussels and a rather small village at the beginning of the Flemisch Ardennes.

For further information please contact:

- Dr. Mandy Ghyselinck
Stafmedewerker, Wetenschapscommunicatie
Hogeschool Gent
M 0477 88 00 74,

- Ann Bracke
M 0487-90 63 13,

NCCA crater fieldExpected falling area, Herzele Belgium, field view from aboveNCCA crater field
Expected falling area, Herzele Belgium, view from aside
NCCA crater field
Shortly after the impact on Nov.20th 2010 at 8:34:18 pm

Best would be to come already at 6:45pm for safety instructions.

Please consider to bring a helmet. If you don`t have a one, no problem, we will have helmets on location which you can borrow for free.

Please also bring warm clothes, as we will be outside during the whole evening.
We will have also some guest, who will talk about meteors.

This is a unique possibility
- come and join!



The Impact - a meteorite fell - just in time on Nov. 20th on 20:34:14 pm !Th

NCCA crater impactBefore the impact, people waiting to see the meteor come, Nov.20th 2010

The meteorite fell - right on shedule !

Meteorite Sint Lievens Esse
Fall: 8:34:18 pm, Nov. 20th 2010
Sint - Lievens Esse, Herzele, Belgium

Impact Crater diameter: 2,4m
Impact Crater depth: 1,6m

See more images form the impact and the Public Meteor Viewing event here >>>>>

NCCA crater impactRecovery of the meteorites next to the impact crater, Nov.20th 2010

Press and other related texts Th

See here an interview with Johan Van Tittelboom, the Mayor of Herzele, the community where the meteorit is calculated to fall:
see the video on youtube here: >>>

Link to the Community Herzele, Be

NASA JPL scientist Don Yeomans on the predicted Asteroid (TC3 2008) which hit Earths Astmosphere Sudan Africa 7th Oct
video on youtube

See NASA / JPL webside on Near Earth Objects:


ffur impact logoJohan Van Tittelboom, the Mayor of Herzele, Be, Nov.14th 2010
NCCA crater impactImpact Crater of Sint-LIevens-Esse, Be, ø: 2,4m, depth: 1,6m, created by the meteorit on Nov.20th 2010

ffur impact logo
The dot circled in purple is asteroid 2008 TC3, spotted here for the first time en route to a fiery end in the Earth's atmosphere (Image: NASA)

Articles over the predicted meteor impact in Sudan on October 6, 2008:

Space rock found on collision course with Earth
Source: Newscientist, 08 October 2008 by Maggie McKee

Space rock collides with Earth right on time
Source: Newscientist, 08 October 2008 by Stephen Battersby

Meteor Predicted to Hit Earth’s Atmosphere Tonight
Source: Wired, article by Betsy Mason, October 6, 2008

Meteor Explodes Over Sudan — Right On Schedule
Source: Wired, article by Loretta Hidalgo Whitesides, October 9, 2008

IMPACT - STUDIES IN CAUSE AND EFFECTS - FFUR research in Herzele, BelgiumThTh

Research travels and studies of the FFUR focussing on NEO´s (Near Earth Objects) and the calculation of possible meteorit impacts.

stone stories workshop group pictureFFUR research, AMB working at the Barringer Crater, Arizona, USA, Aug. 2010.
NCCA crater impact




See a previous "Public Meteor Watching Event", Ekaterinburg, West Siberia, 2009

See a previous "Public Meteor Watching", which happened on May 16th 2009 in Ekaterinburg, West-Siberia.

NCCA crater impactPublic Meteor-Watching Event with Impact, May 16th 2009,
NCCA Ekaterinburg, West Siberia, Ru



>>> more here

Press and other related texts Th

Link to the Community Herzele, Be

Its recommended, to make a reservation at the motels near, as the few which are there, might be booked soon. You can find some tips and places to stay under the following link:

Vereniging voor sterrenkunde:

ffur impact logoImpact Logo of the FFUR

Meteorietinslag in Esse
article in regiozottegem

Agnes Meyer-Brandis
ffUR || "research raft for subterranean reefology"